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Democratic Candidate for
Pennsylvania’s 24th District

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Photo: Jim at the Unami Creek

VOTE JIM MAZA FOR STATE SENATE on Tuesday, November 5th!

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Welcome to the Maza for Senate website!

    Dear Friend:

    On Monday, February 11th, I announced my candidacy for the Pennsylvania Senate representing the 250,000 people from Bucks, Lehigh, Montgomery, and Northampton Counties in the new 24th District. I ask for an opportunity to earn your respect and support.

    This nine-month “job interview” will offer my public record as Township Supervisor, County Commissioner, and citizen. It will test my ability to offer good ideas, commonsense solutions, and workable programs. I promise my best efforts and all that can be gained by enthusiasm, devotion, humor, plain talk, and hard work.

    My job references come from people with whom and for whom I have served throughout the last twenty years—seniors, farmers, county commissioners, environmentalists, infant health workers, school board members, counselors of the developmentally disabled, homeless advocates, coaches, mayors, police—Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.

    My work history and prior experience include open space programs, borough revitalization projects, a healthy baby initiative, youth aid panels to stop juvenile crime, a regional zoning commission, the Schuylkill River Greenway, county trigger-lock gun safety programs, respite relief for elderly caregivers of the disabled, drought aid for farmers, expansion of the fire training academy—while balancing budgets, cutting waste, establishing priorities, and insisting that, at all times, government make sense.

    As with most new jobs, challenges must be met. The test for State Senate will be simple—who will best listen, learn, and lead?

    I will make specific proposals for:

    • smaller class sizes,
    • increased support for public education,
    • the elimination of property tax as the main revenue source for local government and schools,
    • pooling of drug purchases to reduce the cost to the elderly,
    • tipping fees for trash haulers to put the “green” back in the Growing Greener program,
    • growth management and responsible land development,
    • enhanced programs for healthy babies and preschoolers,
    • a coordinated system for emergency communications.

    This campaign must be about better ideas for a better Pennsylvania. I hope that my job interview is successful, that my references check out, that my work history will be found worthy, and that I get the job serving the people as your next State Senator.


    Maza for Senate Committee

    R. Winfield Smith, Chairman
    Elvin R. Souder, Treasurer

    Mailing Address:
    2753 Upper Ridge Road
    Pennsburg, PA 18073

    Telephone: (215) 723-4374
    Office Fax: (215) 723-1840


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Copyright ©2002 Maza for Senate Committee
All Rights Reserved

Last update: July 15, 2002

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