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“Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal.
My strength lies solely in my tenacity.”

Louis Pasteur

Volunteer to help Jim win the election!

    Your time, talents, and dedication can help Jim Maza win his bid to become the next state senator representing the 24th District. Some important volunteer roles are listed below. Please check any in which you have a serious interest. Include others—not listed here—in which you would like to participate.

    After completing the checklist, please provide us with your contact information, as requested on the form. When you are done, press the “Submit Form” button to transfer the data. A representative from the Maza for Senate Campaign will contact you soon about your volunteer interests.

    IMPORTANT: Please enter your email address in the space provided on the form. This field is required in order to process your web-based inquiry.

    Maza for Senate Volunteer Opportunities:

        1. Post a campaign sign in my yard:
        2. Distribute campaign signs in my community:
        3. Send campaign postcards to my friends:
        4. Make telephone calls for the campaign:
        5. Go door-to-door in my neighborhood:
        6. Host a campaign “get-together” for my friends:
        7. Stuff envelopes/prepare mail pieces:
        8. Work at a polling place on election day:

    Other volunteer ideas:

    My Contact Information:

    First Name: Middle Initial:
    Last Name:
    Street Address #1:
    Street Address #2:
    State: Zip code:
    Telephone #1:
    Telephone #2:
    *Email Address:

    *Required field

    Thank you for your interest in helping
    the Maza for Senate Campaign!

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Copyright ©2002 Maza for Senate Committee
All Rights Reserved

Last update: July 16, 2002