Republicans For Maza
P.O. Box 70
Lederach, PA 19450-0070
(610) 287-1145
Contact: John Kelemen - (610) 287-1145 or (610) 733-3439
PENNSBURG, JUNE 27 — Republicans For Maza, the political action committee supporting Jim Maza, the Democratic nominee in Pennsylvania’s 24th Senate District, announced today the addition of three new members to the committee, all prominent figures in Pennsylvania’s business community and substantial donors to Republican candidates.
Roger Hillas, former chairman of PNC Bank, philanthropist Lachlan Pitcairn, and Bruce Eckert, of Lewis Eckert and Robb, a Plymouth Meeting consulting firm, have all enthusiastically agreed to serve on the Republicans For Maza committee.
“These men all recognize that Jim is clearly the superior candidate, and that he will represent his district and not be beholden to any partisan or special interest,” said former Transportation Secretary under President Reagan and Co-Chair of Republicans For Maza, Drew Lewis.
“Jim has the ties to our communities. He’s exhibited real, bi-partisan leadership. He’s accomplished a great deal during his time as a township supervisor, county commissioner, and civic leader,” added Lewis.
“Let’s face it. You can accomplish much more working in a bi-partisan fashion. And Jim has done that. ”
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Last update: July 18, 2002